Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today's Adventure

So today I tried out this is co-op called Bountiful Baskets. Instead of going to a grocery store that is just there to make money and you do not get to really know the people, it is a volunteer based project that helps us eat healthier, seasonally and locally as much as possible. It is an awesome thing and if there is one in your area I would definitely look into it. It is less expensive than grocery store produce, because it is mostly seasonal and local produce and not run by some big heads in NYC. Now not all of it is local, but they do their best to make sure the bulk of your order is. Instead of supporting the grocery store (because that is where most of your money is going when you buy produce from a store), you are supporting the farmers and the workers who help bring the produce to you. Also, they don't tell you exactly what you are going to get, because we don't know what they were able to harvest that week or what they grew. 

It is a great way to try new fruits and vegetables while supporting the local economy and be healthier! In today's basket I received a couple Fuyu Persimmons and a couple Oroblancos. Along with more than a basketful of other assorted fruits and vegetables. Believe me, it is worth the money and the time to help these types of causes out! You will feel better spiritually, because you are helping farmers directly without the middle man, and you will feel better physically because you are eating more fruits and vegetables. 

I cannot stress this enough! If you want to help your local community, this is an awesome first step! If you don't have a Bountiful Baskets, search for CSA in (insert city state here). 

Also I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mommy. :) Without you I wouldn't be here encouraging people that even if something is new or scary that you won't know if you like if you don't try. I have always been this way, I have never had a problem trying new things no matter who scary it was. 

This adventure wasn't as scary except for the high winds trying to blow my Buick Roadmaster around like a Prius (no offense to Prius owners). If you don't know what a Roadmaster is, it is a car that is built like a tank! It can take a beating. Not that I've tested that theory.

Anyways successful day today, now I just have to figure what to do with all these yummy things. :) 

Bountiful Baskets


Fuyu Permissions

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