Sunday, November 13, 2011

My first talk for Church

   So today was my very first talk at the Church. The nervousness did not start until I had to sit next to the Bishop and the Counselors to present my speech. At the end I was told by a lot of the members of the 16th Ward that I did a really great job which eased my worries about not reaching anyone with the my words. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I hope there will be many more. I have enclosed a copy of that talk for the ones who read my blogs and are curious of what I said or are just looking for some spiritual food. I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday and that you felt the spirit in whatever activities that you chose to partake in today. 

Christ-Like Service
November 13, 2011
Brothers and Sisters, I was going to start this talk by just jumping right in on my thoughts of Christ-Like service. However, Heavenly Father had other plans and so I will add this anecdote that happened to me that made me think about Christ-like service. At about 2:30 yesterday afternoon those really heavy winds were bustling through our neighborhood. I was so busy typing this talk and studying my scriptures that I completely forgot that my trash cans and recycling bins were still outside! As I was typing this, I heard a knock on my door. There stood two teenagers with gloves and eye protectors on like one would have for wood working. They handed me my recycling bin and informed me my trash cans and bins were making their way down the street. They ran after everything and brought it back to me so I could put the items safely in my home. I was so grateful especially for the recycling bins, since I bought them through the actual waste removal company and they were fairly expensive. After they were done they got into their car and drove away. This is a perfect example of Christ-like service. They did not know me well, and they still ran down the streets in dangerous conditions.  Even though they had to be somewhere, they still took the time to round up my trash bins and knock on my door to let me know. This shows me that we do not only get closer to Heavenly Father just by serving others, but we can become closer when we are served as well.  
Serving others is a wonderful blessing that not only makes us closer to Heavenly Father; it makes us closer to each other. When we serve our friends and our neighbors we get to add to the good in their lives and see them as actual people and not just humans. In this way we are doing Heavenly Father’s work. We are helping people in need in areas’ Heavenly Father knows we can help them in. We are all given talents and blessing that can help the weary. Some of us are financially sound; some of us can cook, bake, or make blankets. Some of us have the ability to talk to people of all different races, creeds, and religions.  Heavenly Father brings opportunities to us that He knows we can succeed in. It is up to us to make the decision to get over our own fears and uncertainties and serve the needy.
In Mosiah 2:17 (148), it says, “And behold I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” We see a similar message in Matthew 25:40 (1233) which states, “And the King shall answer and say unto them. Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” When we notice a fellow son or daughter of Heavenly Father begging on a street corner for money or food, what is our first instinct? Do we think the worst of them or do we see their struggle and want to lighten their burden or load? Yes they could be wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes they could be spending the money you gave them in inappropriate ways…but what if they truly had no other option or way to feed their family? Would you not do the same for yours?  I believe the key to distinguishing the difference between those in need and those who are not is to listen to the Holy Ghost. What is He telling you? What do you fell is the right decision?
In the May 2011 Ensign, President Henry B. Eyring talks to us in an article appropriately entitled, “Opportunities to Do Good.” In this article President Eyring explains, “The Lord regularly sends wake-up calls to all of us. Sometimes it may be a sudden feeling of sympathy for someone in need. A father may have felt it when he saw a child fall and scrape a knee. A mother may have felt it when she hears the frightened cry of her child in the night. A son or a daughter may have felt sympathy for someone who seemed sad or afraid at school.”
 Brothers and Sisters, I whole heartedly believe that the sympathy we feel for others in need is the Holy Ghost telling us we need to help our fellow brethren. If you are not sure if they are truly in need and there is no obvious reason that you cannot help, then serve them anyways. Heavenly Father knows the true intentions of our hearts.  Even if the person we helped had an under-lying motive, He knows we did what we knew was right. Do not let the darkness of this world dishearten you. Even if the people we serve are deceitful or not truly grateful, we can still make a difference in their lives. We can still show them that because we do not give up on them, neither does Heavenly Father. I leave you with one last scripture reading from Doctrine and Covenants 81:5 (150) which states, “Wherefore be faithful stand in the office which I have appointed onto you. Succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen the feeble knees.” I leave you with these words in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today's Adventure

So today I tried out this is co-op called Bountiful Baskets. Instead of going to a grocery store that is just there to make money and you do not get to really know the people, it is a volunteer based project that helps us eat healthier, seasonally and locally as much as possible. It is an awesome thing and if there is one in your area I would definitely look into it. It is less expensive than grocery store produce, because it is mostly seasonal and local produce and not run by some big heads in NYC. Now not all of it is local, but they do their best to make sure the bulk of your order is. Instead of supporting the grocery store (because that is where most of your money is going when you buy produce from a store), you are supporting the farmers and the workers who help bring the produce to you. Also, they don't tell you exactly what you are going to get, because we don't know what they were able to harvest that week or what they grew. 

It is a great way to try new fruits and vegetables while supporting the local economy and be healthier! In today's basket I received a couple Fuyu Persimmons and a couple Oroblancos. Along with more than a basketful of other assorted fruits and vegetables. Believe me, it is worth the money and the time to help these types of causes out! You will feel better spiritually, because you are helping farmers directly without the middle man, and you will feel better physically because you are eating more fruits and vegetables. 

I cannot stress this enough! If you want to help your local community, this is an awesome first step! If you don't have a Bountiful Baskets, search for CSA in (insert city state here). 

Also I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mommy. :) Without you I wouldn't be here encouraging people that even if something is new or scary that you won't know if you like if you don't try. I have always been this way, I have never had a problem trying new things no matter who scary it was. 

This adventure wasn't as scary except for the high winds trying to blow my Buick Roadmaster around like a Prius (no offense to Prius owners). If you don't know what a Roadmaster is, it is a car that is built like a tank! It can take a beating. Not that I've tested that theory.

Anyways successful day today, now I just have to figure what to do with all these yummy things. :) 

Bountiful Baskets


Fuyu Permissions

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day 2011

I decided for Veteran's day to show a decoupage of photos about Veteran's Day on here. I also have added a link to a You Tube site that asks Veterans their perspectives and why they serve. I hope you enjoy and have a great Veteran's Day! Make sure if you are military to claim your free meal at whatever restaurants are making it available. Stay Strong, Stay Proud! XOXO

I also wanted to add my background in the Army. Both my Mom and Dad served in the Army, both my Grandfathers were lifers in the Army. My husband is currently serving in the Army. My husband's parents are Air Force, and his sister is Army. There are several people out there who have extensive military background like what I listed and we are just as important as the ones who actually served, because we are one hundred percent behind them and support them until the end! Some people are True Blue, but I am definitely True Green!

                                                  Veteran's Voices on YouTube

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Memory

When I read this quote, I was reminded about the time that I took a parenting class in North Carolina. At the beginning of the class, the instructor went around the room and asked each of us what we wanted our kids toaccomplish in their lives...I heard several responses such as "Financially stability, married, lawyers,doctors, etc." I was the last one to make a response. I said, "I want them to be happy." The instructor paused for a moment and asked me,"So if your son wanted to wear a tutu for the rest of his life and he was happy, you would be fine with that?" My response? "What's wrong with him wearing a tutu??"  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What this blog is about and it's purpose

   So I saw that my husband has started his own blog about his religious path and joined me as a fellow author. This made me form the idea of blogging again about our life and different thoughts on things. This is not an attempt to get published or be found like other bloggers are trying to accomplish. I am not doing this for originality or anything of that sort. Frankly, it doesn't concern me at all if you find my blog posts boring!  
   This particular blog is set up to stay in contact with family and friends about what is going on in our lives and our perspectives on things. Since this blog is about life, I am not setting a goal of blogging once a week, month, day or any other frame of time. I am also not going to worry if my blog for the day is two words and the next one is one thousand. This blog is about life and life is a wonderful collection of random events. This is why I am not concerned with time and how much I write or if I write eloquently or grammatically correct. 
   I will, of course, do the best I can to make my blogs readable so everyone knows what I am saying, and the comments are open for anyone to comment. However, I must approve them first! OK, so what my first blog post consist of? I do not know. But I can tell you that I will know the topic before you do. ;-) Glad to have you aboard the Griffin Adventure Train! Hope you enjoy this family blog of our life!